At Deep Run Renovation, we work with homeowners on design/build projects, new construction, and historic renovations. Our specialization is in kitchen remodels, bath remodels, and outdoor living spaces. As a full-service residential home remodeling firm, no project is too large or small. We can handle your project from concept to completion, enabling you to work with the same team throughout the duration of your home renovation project. Each of our projects begins with a free sit-down meeting with one of our designers and our owner, Gary Harless. Together, we discuss your project goals, design criteria and objectives, and overall budget. A proposal will be submitted to you that outlines the general scope of work and pricing.

We specialize in handling remodeling projects from concept through final walkthrough. We have found that this creates operational efficiences that ensure the job is done correctly. It also makes things much easier on the homeowner since you will be working with the same team throughout the entire project — an advantage that minimizes challenges or problems that often get passed on from one firm to another. This concept results in better management of time, budget, quality, and resources.
Although we do both Design and Build projects at Deep Run Renovations, we consider them separate contractual services. This means that you do not have to commit to moving forward with the Build upon completion of the Design. We understand that there are many factors that can affect the start date of a large project. Our team is happy to work with you on your timeline. Regardless of timing, our company remains your consistent partner from one phase to the next.

Our team has had extensive experience bringing new life to historic properties through remodeling. All of our historic renovation projects focus on achieving the right balance between modern building materials, budget, and preservation. We work closely with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and the Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods (ACORN) to complete renovations that comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. These standards are critical for projects looking to apply for federal and state rehabilitation tax credits.
Our historic remodeling work can be seen first-hand in Church Hill, an historic Richmond neighborhood that houses St. John’s Church where Patrick Henry gave his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech.

New Construction
Whether a detached single-family home or an addition to your existing home, we believe new construction should be an enjoyable and exciting project. Our staff has the capability of completing any project, whether it’s a new 3,500 square foot Colonial home, a 2,000 square foot addition, or even a modest 200 square foot addition. Whatever your construction goal, our staff is eager to bring your vision to life!